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Détails de contact
Adresse : 12Bis, Av Nyembo, C/Gombe, Quartier Socimat - KINSHASA, RD Congo
Téléphone :
  • (+243)991009500
Adresse Mail :
Heures d'ouverture : Lundi - Jeudi : 8h00 - 17h00 Vendredi : 8h00 - 12h00 Samedi -Dimanche : fermé


The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) boasts a large population of 77 million people, vast lands and rivers, and abundant mineral resources. Yet after decades of mismanagement, conflict, and resulting humanitarian disasters, the DRC sits second to last (186 of 187 countries) on the UN’s 2014 Human Development Index. Life expectancy is 50 years, mean years of schooling is 3, and gross national income is $444 per person per year. In the DRC’s east, nearly 3 million people remain displaced from their homes due to political and ethnic conflict. According to the CIA 2013 World Factbook, substandard socio-economic conditions affect about 71% percent of the population living below the poverty line. Conflicts, corruption and diseases attacking staple crops such as cassava, have affected agricultural outputs, which have also been on the decline for decades. Health...

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) boasts a large population of 77 million people, vast lands and rivers, and abundant mineral resources. Yet after decades of mismanagement, conflict, and resulting humanitarian disasters, the DRC sits second to last (186 of 187 countries) on the UN’s 2014 Human Development Index. Life expectancy is 50 years, mean years of schooling is 3, and gross national income is $444 per person per year. In the DRC’s east, nearly 3 million people remain displaced from their homes due to political and ethnic conflict. According to the CIA 2013 World Factbook, substandard socio-economic conditions affect about 71% percent of the population living below the poverty line. Conflicts, corruption and diseases attacking staple crops such as cassava, have affected agricultural outputs, which have also been on the decline for decades. Health indicators for the under-5 population are similarly bleak. Tuberculosis is one of the five major causes of death among children in the country in addition to malaria, diarrheal diseases, malnutrition and neonatal complications. CRS DRC continues to address humanitarian issues in collaboration with church partners, government agencies and other humanitarian actors. MOINS