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Détails de contact
Adresse : 7 Av. du Parc, Kintambo, Ngaliema - KINSHASA, RDCongo
Téléphone :
  • (+243) 848 422 200
  • (+243) 848 422 203
Adresse Mail :


DHI Telecom is a global telecom provider dedicated to delivering advanced telecommunications solutions. Our ability and willingness to be on the ground no matter where you are sets us apart. We’ve established offices in the most strategic areas to remain close to customers and to be successful in the markets we serve. DHI Telecom Group is a flexible; quick-to-respond global company that undertakes diverse programs from large multi-national networks to battlefield deployments. Our goal isn’t just to connect you, but to use every available avenue for each solution we design, install and turn up.
Modes de paiement
  • Payer par Cash
  • Payer par Transfert
  • Payer par Chèque