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Détails de contact
Adresse : 15-17 Av. Colonel Ebeya, Gombe - KINSHASA, RDCongo
Téléphone :
  • (+243)999 945 470
Adresse Mail :


Comexas Afrique is now ConnexAfrica. Strengthened by its history of logistics services since 1953, Comexas Afrique entered a new phase in 2020, with the announcement of a name change and image rebrand.This evolution is in connection with our values, our mission, and our ambition. You knew Comexas Afrique as a forwarding and customs agent. Today ConnexAfrica is presented to you as a multimodal logistics agency, present throughout Congolese and Zambian territories, from Matadi to Goma, Aru to Kasumbalesa, and from Lubumbashi to Lusaka. We also have a Hong Kong office to service the Asian Corridors. As a global logistics expert, we offer tailor-made solutions designed to cater to the exacting needs of our diverse clientele and the regions in which they operate.